Welcome to Toledo Together! Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook!

Toledo’s Grassroots Volunteer Network

Frontpage Welcome Message

Remember back in the day when we enjoyed coloring books? Many of them had what we called “Dot-to-Dot” pages. Dozens of numbered dots that appeared to be random. Once we connected the dots, however, a hidden image appeared.

The Church of Toledo has the largest untapped volunteer resource in the city. We have been called by God to be salt, leaven and light. I believe there are thousands and thousands of faithful people who would love to put their hearts and hands to work in serving if only they could easily be connected to an area of need they cared about.

Toledo Together is a growing network system that will draw alongside of our churches and outreach initiatives to help empower us in carrying out our desires to effectively serve Toledo.

Picture a map of our city with hundreds of dots on it. Each dot representing a house of worship or an outreach initiative. What if we developed a simple, user-friendly network system to connect all the dots? What has always appeared to be random dots on a map would become a coordinated picture connecting resources with needs.