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Toledo’s Grassroots Volunteer Network


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q – Is Toledo Together involved in any outreach initiatives in a hands-on way?

A – No. Toledo Together’s focus is exclusively on connecting volunteers with opportunities to serve. Toledo Together is not interested in starting up new outreach initiatives. Rather, it is interested in supporting the outreach initiatives that are already in place.

  1. Q – Why can’t local churches and pastors connect their people with the service organizations that need volunteers on their own? Why do we need Toledo Together?

A – This is a good question and a practical one as well. Having been a local pastor in Toledo for over thirty years I know for a fact the average pastor simply has too many things on his/her plate to investigate even a handful of opportunities for his or her people to serve. In addition to that, the majority of people who would like to serve do not know how or do not have enough initiative to research and make all the contacts they need in order to start volunteering. They have the desire to volunteer but do not have the time to navigate through the maze or the labyrinth that will eventually lead to a connection.

  1. Q – Will Toledo Together be in competition with other organizations that match up volunteers with opportunities?

A – Absolutely not. Toledo Together will in no way be in competition with anyone. Our desire is to serve and not to compete. We will collaborate with any other volunteer network that already exists in Toledo to help become more effective.

  1. Q – What if I’m not ready to volunteer but simply want more information about what’s involved?

A – You are not alone. As you hit the “How to Serve/Volunteer” button many of the listings will give you links to outreach initiative websites and contact people where you can call and find out more about what you’re interested in.

  1. Q – What if I’m not part of a church . . . ?

A – Toledo Together is a growing network that is in place for both people of good faith and of good will. All that is necessary is a heart to serve.

  1. Q – Why Don Fothergill? Why are you the person to do this?

A – The simple answer is that God has called me to do this. A more tangible response to the question would be:

a. For forty years God has been instilling in me the desire to see His unity in His church actualized.
b. I have always had a heart for pastors – reaching out to new ones, connecting them together in accountability groups and drawing alongside ones that are hurting.
c. For many years I’ve made it a point to connect with Christian leaders/pastors representing most of the different streams in the church. Each stream has its different convictions, different doctrine, different tradition and different vocabulary. Each person or group I spend time with I can see the Spirit of God alive in them. In short, I speak many different dialects of Christianeze.
